Integrated Math 3 – Credit Recovery – Regular

Grade Icon



Duration Icon


2 Semesters

Prerequisite Icon


Integrated Math 2 or Algebra 1 & Geometry

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Course Materials

Accelerate Online Academy’s Integrated Math 3 course blends algebra, geometry, number and quantity, functions, modeling and statistics and probability into one course.


Semester A


Integrated Math 3 A extends the learner’s understanding of major algebra concepts such as expressions, equations, functions, and sequences and series. It also extends the learner’s understanding of geometric concepts such as triangles and trigonometric ratios. An emphasis will be placed on the use of appropriate functions to model real world situations and solve problems that arise from those situations. A focus is also on graphing functions by hand and understanding and identifying the parts of a graph.


Semester B


Integrated Math 3 B continues in learner’s studies of algebraic and geometric concepts. This course covers the concepts of probability and statistics, area, volume, conic sections, trigonometric functions, and trigonometric identities. An emphasis will be placed on the use of appropriate functions to model real world situations and solve problems that arise from those situations.

Semester A


Module 1: Tools of the Trade
Module 2: Polynomial and Logarithmic Functions
Module 3: Triangles
Module 4: Trigonometric Ratios
Module 5: Rational Functions and Relations
Module 6: Sequences and Series


Semester A Syllabus


Semester B


Module 7: Probability and Statistics
Module 8: Area
Module 9: Volume
Module 10: Conic Sections
Module 11: Trigonometric Functions
Module 12: Trigonometric Identities


Semester B Syllabus

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