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2 Semesters
In this online Integrated Math 1 course, students use arithmetic properties of subsets of integers and rational, irrational and real numbers by simplifying expressions, solving linear equations and inequalities, graphing equations, finding the equation of a line, working with monomials and polynomials, and factoring and completing the square.
In Integrated Math 1, students use arithmetic properties of subsets of integers, rational, irrational and real numbers by simplifying expressions, solving linear equations and inequalities, graphing equations, finding the equation of a line, working with monomials and polynomials, and factoring and completing the square. Students use properties of the number system to judge the validity of results, justifying each step of the procedure to prove or disprove statements. Students compute perimeter, circumference, area, volume, and surface area of geometric figures. Students also use basic trigonometric functions defined by the angles of a right triangle.
Semester A
Semester B
Our full time online tuition programs include enrollment for the school year (i.e. two semesters). Tuition varies based on our different programs. We recommend that students wishing to take 4 or more individual classes apply to our Full-Time Tuition Programs.
Highly Qualified Teachers 24/7 Access to Learning Platform Optional Weekly Group Synchronous Sessions And More!