Honors Algebra 1

Grade Icon


9 – 12

Duration Icon


2 Semesters

Credit Icon



Prerequisite Icon



Material Icon


Graph paper
A graphing calculator. Gcalc is a free download if you do not have a hand-held.

Honors Algebra 1 is an online course that introduces students to the world of Algebra through expressions and equations at an advanced pace. Students will evaluate algebraic expressions, solve linear equations and graph them, and examine real-world statistic scenarios.


In the honors course, students will do in-depth study, problem-solving, and application of algebraic concepts.


Semester A


Students begin the first semester of Algebra 1 with a review of the basic tools of algebra, including properties of operations, combining like terms, and solving simple equations and inequalities. More complex concepts are built on these basics. Students learn about linear models, linear inequalities, statistics, linear functions, transformations, sequences, and systems of linear equations. The course also includes lessons on linear inequalities.


Semester B


In the second semester of Algebra 1, students focus on exponential and quadratic functions. They will learn how to read, write and graph these function types. They will also learn where they can find exponential and quadratic functions in their own worlds. In this semester, special attention is given to making meaningful comparisons of linear, exponential and quadratic growth. Students also spend time learning about geometric sequences, polynomials, factoring, radical equations, piece-wise defined functions, as well as rational expressions and equations. The semester concludes with a comprehensive review of the course.

Semester A


Module 1: Basic Tools
Module 2: Solving Equations and Inequalities
Module 3: Linear Models
Module 4: Statistics
Module 5: Functions, Transformations, & Sequences
Module 6: Systems of Linear Equations


Semester A Syllabus

Semester B


Module 7: Exponential Growth & Decay
Module 8: Polynomials
Module 9: Factoring & Roots
Module 10: Quadratic Graphs
Module 11: Non-Linear Graphs and Equations
Module 12: Semester Review


Semester B Syllabus


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