Integrated Math 3

Grade Icon



Duration Icon


2 Semesters

Prerequisite Icon


Integrated Math 2 OR Algebra 1 & Geometry

Material Icon


Graphing calculator (can use an online version)

Accelerate Online Academy’s Integrated Math 3 online course will focus on pulling together and applying the accumulation of learning that high-schoolers have from their previous courses including probability and statistics to grow in mathematic knowledge.

Technology Skills

Semester A

This course blends algebra, geometry, number and quantity, functions, modeling and statistics and probability into one course. Students begin the course learning about the algebraic concepts of functions, equations, logarithms, and graphs and then transitions into triangle and trig ratios. They dive into rational functions and sequences and series.

Semester B

In this semester, students begin by studying counting methods, probabilities, distributions, area, volume, parabolas, circles, ellipses, hyperbolas and systems of equations and inequalities. They finish their course of study learning about trigonometry functions and identities.

  • Internet Access
  • Word Processor
  • Email Access