First Grade Social Studies

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2 Semesters

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In Accelerate Online Academy’s Social Studies for first graders, students in the first semester will begin to explore the basic fundamentals of social studies including map skills and cardinal directions. The second semester has a focus on introductory economics.


Semester A

In this semester, students begin to explore basic fundamentals of social studies, including map skills and cardinal directions, and will begin to examine maps of the U.S. and the globe. Students will also be introduced to diversity and the importance of it in developing the culture of the United States. They will also begin their studies of character education, like good citizenship, taking responsibility, serving their community, and leadership.

Semester B

The second semester will begin the students’ studies of historical America. They will talk about famous historical figures such as George Washington Carver, Susan B. Anthony, Ruby Bridges, Amelia Earhart, Thomas Edison, and Benjamin Franklin. Students will explore tall tales and folklore dealing with history, character education, and other morals. They will also explore what is meant by economics, studying the difference between goods and services, needs and wants, and producers and consumers. They will end the semester doing some research and presentation of what they learned this semester.

Semester A

Major Concepts:

  • Maps, globes, and cardinal directions
  • Weather and water
  • Location (physical features)
  • Diversity
  • Family and traditions
  • Communities
  • Character education (responsibility, respect, compassion, citizenship)
  • Problem solving and making voices
  • Government
  • Change over time

Semester B

Major Concepts

  • Historical America
  • Tall tales and folklore
  • Economics
  • Goods and services
  • Work and home life
  • Needs and wants
  • Scarcity of products
  • Making and using money
  • Technology
  • Research and presenting

Click HERE to access the Course Materials List.


Materials listed should be acquired by the student prior to beginning work in the course.