Social Studies 7

Grade Icon


7th Grade

Duration Icon


2 Semesters

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In Accelerate Online Academy’s Social Studies 7, students will study the history of the United States. The course emphasizes how ideas, events, and philosophies have shaped the nation.


Semester A

This study of the history of the United States emphasizes how ideas, events, and philosophies have shaped the nation. Students will learn about America’s past while mastering the skills of historical interpretation. Study begins with the earliest arrivals of people and ends with the conclusion of the Civil War.

Semester B

Social Studies grade 7 is a continuation of the first semester with an emphasis on how historical ideas, events, and philosophies have shaped the United States. Beginning with Reconstruction, this course uses the same skill development approach to guide students through U.S. history to the present.

Semester A

Major Concepts:

  1. The First Americans
  2. Exploring the Americas
  3. Colonial America
  4. The Colonies Grow
  5. Road to Independence
  6. The American Revolution
  7. A More Perfect Union
  8. A New Nation
  9. The Jefferson Era
  10. Growth and Expansion
  11. The Jackson Era
  12. Manifest Destiny
  13. North and South
  14. The Age of Reform
  15. Road to Civil War
  16. The Civil War

Semester B

Major Concepts

  1. Reconstruction and its Aftermath
  2. The Western Frontier
  3. The Growth of Industry
  4. Toward an Urban America
  5. Progressive Reforms
  6. Overseas Expansion
  7. World War I
  8. The Jazz Age
  9. The Depression and FDR
  10. World War II
  11. The Cold War Era
  12. America in the 1950s
  13. The Civil Rights Era
  14. The Vietnam Era
  15. Search for Stability
  16. New Challenges