Fifth Grade Math

Grade Icon


5th Grade

Duration Icon


2 Semesters

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In Accelerate Online Academy’s 5th Grade Math course, students will focus on several critical areas including but not limited to developing fluency with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions. Students will also learn to extend division to 2-digit divisors, integrate decimal fractions into the place value system, and increase an understanding of operations with…


Semester A


Students will learn math topics outlined in this course drawing from a variety of sources, including hands-on activities, interactive lessons, and practical math applications. Students will focus on several critical areas including but not limited to developing fluency with addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions. They will also learn to extend division to 2-digit divisors, integrate decimal fractions into the place value system, and increase an understanding of operations with decimals to hundredths. They will develop a fluency with whole numbers and decimal operations. The semester begins with operations and expressions, moves into decimals and money, and ends with more work on fractions. Learners will gain valuable skills as they carry out activities that model real life situations, like grocery shopping, throughout the semester.


Semester B


Semester B begins with students continuing to work with fractions. The first lesson focuses on ratios and challenges students to solve word problems using fractions and ratios in practical life situations. Learners continue to strengthen their math skills by studying mixed and fraction products and fraction application, models, and division. The third critical area that students will focus on in Grade 5 Math is volume. Students will receive lessons in measurement of length, weight, and volume. They will end the course with a focus on geometry. Varied types of instruction are used to enhance their learning, including video and real life applications, activities, and creative projects.

Semester A


Module 1: Mathematical Operations
Module 2: Introduction to Decimals
Module 3: Estimating Decimals
Module 4: Multiplying and Dividing Multi-Digit Numbers
Module 5: Money and Decimal Operations
Module 6: Fraction Operations


Semester A Syllabus


Semester B


Module 7: Fractions
Module 8: Multiplying Fractions
Module 9: Dividing Fractions
Module 10: Measurements and Volume
Module 11: Volume
Module 12: Geometry


Semester B Syllabus

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Materials listed should be acquired by the student prior to beginning work in the course.

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