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In the online Spanish 3 course, high school students continue to develop their ability in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding Spanish through a systematic review of its structure. Students focus on applying vocabulary in a wider array of situations by learning about the past progressive and subjunctive moods and the present perfect, future, and conditional…
Students continue to develop their ability in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding Spanish through a systematic review of its structure. Students focus on applying vocabulary in a wider array of situations by learning about the past progressive and subjunctive moods and the present perfect, future, and conditional tenses.
Semester A
Module 1 – El Repaso
Module 2 – El Preterito de los Verbos Irregulares 1
Module 3 – La Geografia
Module 4 – El Preterito de los Verbos Irregulares 2
Module 5 – El Preterito v el Imperfecto
Module 6 – La Voz Pasiva
Module 7 – Challenge
Semester B
Module 8 – El Futuro
Module 9 – El Futuro Irregular
Module 10 – El Condicional
Module 11 – Los Mandatos
Module 12 – Challenge
Our full time online tuition programs include enrollment for the school year (i.e. two semesters). Tuition varies based on our different programs. We recommend that students wishing to take 4 or more individual classes apply to our Full-Time Tuition Programs.
Highly Qualified Teachers 24/7 Access to Learning Platform Optional Weekly Group Synchronous Sessions And More!