Second Grade Social Studies

Grade Icon


2nd Grade

Duration Icon


2 Semesters

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Prerequisite Icon


Social Studies 1

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Course Materials List

Materials listed should be acquired by the student prior to beginning work in the course.

In the Second Grade Social Studies online course, students will begin to explore the basic fundamentals of social studies including culture, geography, and economics.


Semester A


Social Studies 2 introduces the concept of a government by first exploring the reason for laws and rules. Students learn about national laws, state laws, and consequences for breaking a law. Learners then explore the role of government and government leaders who uphold the law. Students then study the states (California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Texas, and their own state) and the nation. Learners will explore how American heroes have changed America today before transitioning to a study on the world government, maps, and the environment. This course concludes by spending time looking into the past and relating the past to the student’s life today. Social Studies 2 provides practice and assessments throughout each lesson that target the learning objectives and maximize instruction. By the end of this course, students have both a broad understanding of the world and a specific understanding of how the national and state government impact their own life.


Semester B


The second part of Social Studies 2 begins by introducing the concept of change over time through an understanding of transportation, recreation, and communication. Students will study famous historical inventors and design their own invention that solves a problem in their everyday lives. Students will understand the influence of perspective on historical events before launching into a relatable study of basic human needs. Students will understand the differences between needs and wants, producers and consumers, supply and demand, and goods and services. This course concludes with an examination of basic economics and an exploration of problems and solutions. By the end of this course, students will understand how society has changed over time and have a firm understanding of basic economics.

Semester A


Module 1: Following Rules and The Constitution
Module 2: Laws
Module 3: My Government
Module 4: My State: Symbols, Places, and People
Module 5: My State: Constitution, Services, and Community
Module 6: My Country
Module 7: My Citizenship
Module 8: American Heroes
Module 9: My World
Module 10: Where Do I Live A: City, State, Region
Module 11: Where Do I Live B: Country, Continent, World
Module 12: Introduction to Maps
Module 13: More Maps
Module 14: My Environment
Module 15: Environmental Impact
Module 16: The Past
Module 17: Native Americans and Colonists
Module 18: Immigration


Semester A Syllabus

Semester B


Module 19: Historical Sources
Module 20: Past and Present
Module 21: Inventions
Module 22: My Personal Social Studies
Module 23: Different Perspectives
Module 24: Wants and Needs
Module 25: Goods and Services
Module 26: Jobs = Income
Module 27: Producers and Consumers
Module 28: Resources
Module 29: Food Production
Module 30: Supply and Demand
Module 31: Save or Spend?
Module 32: Saving Money
Module 33: Business
Module 34: Economics 101
Module 35: World Trade
Module 36: Real Life Problem Solving


Semester B Syllabus

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