Science 7

Grade Icon


6th-8th Grade

Duration Icon


2 Semesters

Credit Icon



Prerequisite Icon


Math 6
Science 6

Material Icon


Common Household Items

Science 7 is an integrated course in which the fields of science are not compartmentalized. Instead, earth and space science, life science, and physical science are integrated within each semester.


Science 7 is an integrated course in which the fields of science are not compartmentalized. Instead, earth and space science, life science, and physical science are integrated within each semester. Semester A begins with instruction on the nature of science.


Semester A


Science 7 A covers topics mostly in physical science. The course covers topics of the nature of science, waves and sound, light, lenses, and electricity. Students will work on developing skills in data recording, classifying, measuring, observing, hypothesizing, analyzing, evaluation and inferring.


Semester B


Science 7 B covers topics in both physical science and life science. The course covers topics in matter and chemical reactions, cells, and the body systems in the human body. Students will work on developing skills in data recording, classifying, measuring, observing, hypothesizing, analyzing, evaluation and inferring.

Semester A


The Nature of Science
Waves and Sound
Magnets and Electricity


Semester A Syllabus


Semester B


Matter and Chemical Reactions
The Digestive System and Human Nutrition
The Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
Body Movement
Body Systems – Information Processing and Chemical Messages


Semester B Syllabus

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