
Grade Icon


9 – 12

Duration Icon


2 Semester

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In Psychology semester A, high school students learn the history of psychologists and their experimental methods, personality theories, human development, and consciousness. In semester B of psychology, students examine the nature of intelligence in both humans and animals, social psychology and psychological disorders, and even learning with an emphasis on classical and operant conditioning.


Semester A

In Psychology A the student begins with a brief history of psychologists and their experimental methods. Next they examine personality theories. Then human development from the infant stage through adult stage is explored. Finally, the last part of the course is about consciousness: sleep, dreams, and conscious-altering substances. Students are encouraged to increase their own self-awareness as they move through the course.

Semester B

Students continue to learn about psychology. Students examine the nature of intelligence in humans and animals, including the origin of intelligence and how to measure it. They learn about learning with an emphasis on classical and operant conditioning. Students also investigate social psychology and psychological disorders. They demonstrate their understanding by completing projects in which they play roles like teacher, parent, and psychologist.

Semester A

Enduring Understandings of this course:

  • The field of psychology covers a vast area to include therapy, education, psychological disorders, industry, and animal training.
  • Psychologists use a variety of methods to gather data such as observations, experiments, survey, and tests.
  • Different psychologists have different theories on how personalities are developed.
  • Genetics, environment and culture can influence personality development.
  • Development is a life long process that includes physical, social, language, cognitive, moral and gender.
  • Some theorists believe that individuals must go through specific stages to reach their maximum development potential.
  • Mental and physical aspects of consciousness are intertwined.
  • Hypnosis, sleep and psychoactive drugs influence our state of conscious awareness.
  • While there is no definitive purpose to dreams, there are many theories explaining their meanings or purposes.

Semester B

Enduring Understandings of this course:

  • Some researchers have suggested that intelligence is a single, general ability, while others believe that intelligence encompasses a range of aptitudes, skills and talents.
  • Some researchers believe animals can think.
  • What is behaviorism and how do behaviorists study learning?
  • What are the principles of classical and operant conditioning and how do they affect our learning?
  • Why people behave differently in groups than they would individually.
  • How social norms and rules govern most of our behavior.
  • Defining mental disorder is difficult.
  • Psychological disorders consist of anxiety disorders, mood disorders, personality disorders, drug abuse & addiction, dissociative identity disorder and schizophrenia.