
Grade Icon


9 – 12

Duration Icon


2 Semester

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In Psychology semester A, high school students learn the history of psychologists and their experimental methods, personality theories, human development, and consciousness. In semester B of psychology, students examine the nature of intelligence in both humans and animals, social psychology and psychological disorders, and even learning with an emphasis on classical and operant conditioning.


Semester A


In Psychology A the student begins with a brief history of psychologists and their experimental methods. Next they examine personality theories. Then human development from the infant stage through adult stage is explored. Finally, the last part of the course is about consciousness: sleep, dreams, and conscious-altering substances. Students are encouraged to increase their own self-awareness as they move through the course.


Semester B


Students continue to learn about psychology. Students examine the nature of intelligence in humans and animals, including the origin of intelligence and how to measure it. They learn about learning with an emphasis on classical and operant conditioning. Students also investigate social psychology and psychological disorders. They demonstrate their understanding by completing projects in which they play roles like teacher, parent, and psychologist.

Semester A


Module 1: Introduction to Psychology
Module 2: Theories of Personality
Module 3: Development Over the Life Span
Module 4: Consciousness


Semester A Syllabus


Semester B


Module 5: Thinking and Intelligence
Module 6: Learning
Module 7: Social Psychology
Module 8: Psychological Disorders


Semester B Syllabus


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