Physical Science – 8th Grade

Grade Icon


8th Grade

Duration Icon


2 Semesters

Credit Icon



Prerequisite Icon


Math 7
Science 7

Accelerate Online Academy Physical Science 8 is an introduction to the Physical Sciences and scientific methodology. The objectives are to impart a basic knowledge of the physical properties and chemistry of matter.


Semester A


Semester A explores the structure and properties of matter. Students begin by reviewing the nature of science and the tools and methods that science uses to achieve its goal of constructing explanations for phenomena. They then learn the characteristics of matter and the changes it undergoes. Students also learn about the development of atomic theory over time and how the relationship between periodicity and atomic structure allows one to predict the characteristics of elements based on their location on the periodic table. Finally, students learn the relationship between types of bonds and properties of substances, including how they react to make new substances.


The course assignments are designed to explicitly engage students in applying science and engineering practices (SEPs) to construct an understanding of disciplinary core ideas (DCIs) through the lens of crosscutting concepts (CCs). The discussion assignments focus on enabling students to use their science knowledge to make informed decisions about personal and societal issues.


Semester B


Semester B explores the relationship between matter and energy. Students begin by studying the behavior of objects in motion, including factors affecting their motion. They then learn the characteristics of various forms of energy. Students also learn about waves and their applications in various technologies.


The course assignments are designed to explicitly engage students in applying science and engineering practices (SEPs) to construct an understanding of disciplinary core ideas (DCIs) through the lens of crosscutting concepts (CCs). The discussion assignments focus on enabling students to use their science knowledge to make informed decisions about personal and societal issues.

Semester A


Module 1: The Nature of Science
Module 2: Performing Scientific Investigations
Module 3: Characteristics of Matter
Module 4: Atomic Structure and Periodicity
Module 5: Chemical Compounds
Module 6: Chemical Reactions


Semester A Syllabus


Semester B


Module 7: Motion
Module 8: Forces and Motion
Module 9: Energy
Module 10: Electricity and Magnetism
Module 11: Waves and Sound
Module 12: The Electromagnetic Spectrum


Semester B Syllabus

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