Minecraft Command Blocks Scripting

Grade Icon


3 – 5

Duration Icon


1 Semester

Credit Icon



Prerequisite Icon



Material Icon


Yes, see link below!

Each individual lesson is made up of multiple lesson pages to teach a coding concept with text and visuals, provide in lesson practice and a step by step activity for student to add newly learned code to their existing game file.


Each individual lesson is made up of multiple lesson pages to teach a coding concept with text and visuals, provide in lesson practice, and a step-by-step activity for student to add newly learned code to their existing game file. Grading will be based on quizzes, project uploads, and teacher requirements.

In this course there are eight modules teaching students scripting logic using Minecraft Command Blocks! Be introduced to scripting and automation through Minecraft command blocks. This course teaches great scripting logic as students automate fun projects. Minecraft has a huge list of commands used for scripting. It’s hard to cover them all, but more importantly they’ll learn the logic behind the commands and their sequence to help them customize future ideas. In this course they’ll create a huge racing track using ice, automate jump scares, make tnt fly around and much more. You must have your own Java edition Minecraft account to participate.

Topics Included in the course are:

  1. Command Blocks
  2. Automate
  3. Race Track
  4. Scare Tactics
  5. Inventory
  6. More Tricks
  7. AI
  8. Customizing

Computer: Students must have access to a computer with internet access and an internet browser. The computer may run Windows or Mac OS.  No Chromebooks.

Students must have their own Minecraft Java Edition Account