Language Arts 7

Grade Icon


7th Grade

Duration Icon


2 Semesters

Credit Icon



Prerequisite Icon



Material Icon


See in Materials tab below

In the Language Arts 7 online course, students through analysis of written, spoken, and multimedia texts will become more critical consumers of information and of various forms of media. Students will also synthesize and organize ideas to prepare structured essays in several different modes, including narrative, persuasive, and expository.


Semester A


Through analysis of written, spoken, and multimedia texts, students will become more critical consumers of information and of various forms of media. They will also synthesize and organize ideas to prepare structured essays in several different modes, including narrative, persuasive, and expository. Each lesson will guide students in learning and applying specific strategies for reading and writing different types of texts.  A review of basic English mechanics is included in many of the writing lessons, along with a discussion of levels of formality required for different purposes and audiences. This course provides instruction in many modalities, including audiovisual presentations and videos, interactive activities, projects, and discussions. Opportunities for teacher feedback are frequent, detailed, and varied.


Semester B


The second semester of grade 7 English Language Arts online course builds on the skills and concepts introduced in the first semester. Students tackle more difficult texts and themes in Semester B, and the level of analysis demonstrated and required is more in-depth. In this part of the course, students study the English language closely—both its history and evolution, and the less obvious ways it can be used to convey meaning.  The reading assignments are selected to guide students in understanding how language can be used to convey broader themes in poetry, drama, and humorous or satirical texts.  Students continue to develop their writing skills through multi-draft assignments and projects. Emphasis in this semester is on recognizing the multiple levels of meaning that any word or phase might convey, and in writing one’s own texts with these concepts in mind.

Semester A


Module 1: Find Your Strength
Module 2: Know Your History
Module 3: Take a Stand
Module 4: Play Your Part
Module 5: Make Up Your Mind
Module 6: Spread the News


Semester A Syllabus


Semester B


Module 7: Sing Your Song
Module 8: Learn the Language
Module 9: Speak with Style
Module 10: Write Your Life
Module 11: Win with Words
Module 12: Humor Us


Semester B Syllabus

Required Anthology:
Poetry Speaks Who I Am
ISBN-10: 1402210744
ISBN-13: 978-1402210747

Required Novels

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