Language Arts 6

Grade Icon


6th Grade

Duration Icon


2 Semesters

Credit Icon



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Material Icon


See in Materials tab below

Accelerate Online Academy’s Language Arts 6 course in semester A covers the categories of Storytelling and Heroes. The second semester covers the topics of Myth and Poetry.


Semester A


Semester A of English 6 is divided into two main categories: Storytelling and Heroes. The first module, or unit, that students will encounter is Introduction to English 6, which provides an introduction to key course concepts and a review of the basic skills needed to succeed in the course. Throughout the remaining modules, students will engage in various interactive activities, quizzes and writing assignments that build on students’ previous knowledge of literature, informational text, and language use while challenging them to apply these skills to the rigors of a high school course. Assignments include writing a narrative essay and completing a book report.


Semester B


The second semester of grade 6 English Language Arts online course builds on the skills and concepts introduced in the first semester. Students tackle more difficult texts in Semester B and apply more advanced analysis skills to reading and writing tasks. They also study some of the more subtle aspects of language, such as the role of connotation and nuance in an author’s word choices and how those choices affect readers. Reading assignments are selected, in part, to provide models for students’ own writing in specific modes, forms, or genres. Several lessons demonstrate methods of sharing and publishing writing using 21st century technology.

Semester A


Module 1: Strength in Numbers
Module 2: Pass It On
Module 3: Team Player
Module 4: Speak for Yourself
Module 5: See the Difference
Module 6: One and the Same


Course Syllabus

Semester B


Module 7: The Facts of Life
Module 8: Family Ties
Module 9: Special Delivery
Module 10: Telling Tales
Module 11: Express Yourself
Module 12: Play Hard


Course Syllabus


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