Language Arts 10

Grade Icon



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2 Semesters

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Language Arts 9

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Required Novels

English for grade 10 offers an integrated online curriculum where students will practice skills similar to that which they learned in grade 9 English but with more independence and depth of thought.


Semester A


In English 10A, students learn how to express their thoughts and feelings in writing. Emphasis is placed on the specific traits of the 6- Traits of Writing: Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, and Conventions. Students also review the 5-step writing process as they practice the skills of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Each unit also includes instruction in the Greek roots of common English words. In English 10A students are guided through the 5-step writing process for each of the major types of writing: expository, persuasive, expressive, research, and functional. The writing projects center on each of the five major types. Students will receive comprehensive instruction on the various structures and styles of writing. Students are expected to produce original high quality examples of each of the major types of writing. Writing samples are graded against the 6-Traits of Writing.


Semester B


In English 10B, students broaden their reading experience with exposure to literature from around the world. Students are given vast exposure to a variety of reading samples, and are encouraged to connect and relate to the various authors and cultures within the contexts of the passages and works Reading strategies, the literary elements, and new vocabulary and Latin roots are introduced. In addition, students are guided through an active reading process in preparation to prepare them for high-stakes testing which will assess their abilities to make inferences, comprehend, and analyze a variety of reading materials. Students are expected to respond to assigned reading materials in a variety of activities and manners. Students will be graded on their abilities to review, summarize, analyze, connect, and respond to reading materials. Additionally, students will practice important reading strategies such as determining the meaning of unfamiliar words. They will produce an independent vocabulary assignment as evidence of their familiarity with these strategies. Students are also expected to create original materials in an effort to grasp the complexity of the genres.

Semester A


Exploring Themes and Ideas
The Art and Craft of Writing
Perspectives on Point of View
Making Your Point
Structure and Suspense
Comparing Expression


Semester A Syllabus


Semester B


The Art of Analysis
Reason and Reflection
Making History
The Art of Evaluation
Research Results
Presenting Research


Semester B Syllabus

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