French 2 – Credit Recovery

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2 Semesters

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French 1

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Accelerate’s French 2 course focuses on the continuation and enhancement of language skills presented in Level 1.


Semester A


French 2 Semester A contains 6 (six) modules. Each module contains 10 (ten) lessons. The purpose of the French 2 course is to further students’ language acquisition and to provide students with the necessary skills and intercultural understanding to enable them to communicate successfully in an environment where French is spoken.


This course is based on the ACTFL standards and provides students with opportunities to expand their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills as they create with the language and access various materials on generally familiar topics. Students identify the main idea(s) and details in texts, dialogues, and videos within a cultural context. They read and interpret authentic materials. They read, speak, write, and listen to short cohesive passages in present, past, and future time. Students extend their knowledge and understanding of the target language and culture(s). They learn the interrelationship of other cultures to their own, by identifying behaviors appropriate in target cultures.


Semester B


Semester B continues the enhancement of language skills. Vocabulary and grammar structures are revisited and expanded as students explore other French-speaking areas. Speaking and listening skills are enhanced through recommended real-life voice activities. Listening skills are honed through online dialogues. Reading and writing skills are developed through access to completion of meaningful activities related to travel, the Olympics, natural disasters, and the space program. Reading of culturally related articles of interest and responding to reading in the target language, along with the use of technology, reinforces authentic language development and fosters cultural understandings through exposure to native speakers and their daily routines.

Semester A


Module 1: Review and Preparation
Module 2: Pets
Module 3: Holidays and Travels
Module 4: Reflexive Verbs
Module 5: Body and Health
Module 6: Communication and Technology


Semester A Syllabus

Semester B


Module 7: Community and Maps
Module 8: Celebrations
Module 9: Clothing and Shopping
Module 10: University Life
Module 11: The Past
Module 12: Food and Recipes


Semester B Syllabus

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