Fourth Grade Social Studies

Grade Icon


4th Grade

Duration Icon


2 Semesters

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In this Grade 4 Social Studies homeschool course, learners in the first semester will use their understanding of social studies skills to explore their local states and communities. In the second semester of the course, students will learn about the frontier life of the early American settlers.


Semester A

In Semester A of Social Studies 4, students will explore the early development of the United States. Students will explore the early Native Americans and interactions with early European Settlers, the establishment of the American colonies, and early American government. Students will learn about important documents in the founding of the United States and the establishment of rules and laws that has led to the formation of the federal and state governments as we know them today. Students will have the opportunity to explore their own state government and learn more about the rules and regulations that govern where they live.

Semester B

In Semester B of Social Studies 4, students will expand on their learning from Semester A, as well as work their way through American History to post-WWII and science and inventions that started shaping the modern-day United States. Various concepts including economics, the environment, and American geography will be explored to give students a better idea of all the facets that shape American lives today.

Semester A

Major Concepts:

  • Native Americans
  • European Settlers
  • Mexican American War
  • Federal Government
  • State Government
  • Civil War
  • Important Documents
  • Living in America

Semester B

Major Concepts

  • Economics
  • Environment
  • Geography
  • Human Geography
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Great Depression
  • World War II
  • Science and Innovations

Click HERE to access the Course Materials List.


Materials listed should be acquired by the student prior to beginning work in the course.