Early Childhood Education

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2 Semesters

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The Early Childhood Education course is designed to provide an overview of the expectations and roles of the early childhood educator. The course provides details about childhood development, health, nutrition, and guidance strategies to help students understand the exciting and unique opportunities that a career in early childhood education can offer.


Semester A


The Early Childhood Education course is designed to provide an overview of the expectations and roles of the early childhood educator. The course provides details about childhood development, health, nutrition, and guidance strategies to help students understand the exciting and unique opportunities that a career in early childhood education can offer. The course is intended to prepare students for challenges they may face, but to emphasize the rewards of being able to influence the life of a young child. The ability to offer support to children as they learn and grow is a point that is highlighted throughout each lesson.


Semester B


The Early Childhood Education Two course is designed to provide an overview of the professional expectations of being an early childhood educator. Throughout the course, students will learn about what it means to be a professional, including the significance of professional development in any educational role. They will review observational methods and the history of education in the United States, with a focus on early childhood and school-age programs. They will spend a significant portion of the course learning about the importance of Developmentally Appropriate Practice and how to implement DAP strategies. Designing physical, social, and temporal environments will also be a major focus of the course, as will developing relationships with families and communities to strengthen their position and knowledge.




This course prepares students for the Child Development Associate (CDA). Certification requires that students take both Early Childhood Education I and Early Childhood Education II. These courses prepare students for the preapplication phase of 120 hours of instruction in the core areas of focus. For more information on the application process, visit: https://www.cdacouncil.org/credentials/apply-for-cda/cte-high-schools

Semester A


Module 1: The Early Childhood Education Profession
Module 2: Planning a Safe, Clean, & Healthy Learning Environment
Module 3: Planning Food Service & Nutrition
Module 4: Typical & Atypical Development
Module 5: Observation & Recording Methods
Module 6: Methods of Guidance
Module 7: The Influences of Nutrition, Environment, & Heredity
Module 8: Current and Future Technology in Childcare
Module 9: Exploring Your State: Child Abuse & Neglect
Module 10: Exploring Your State: Rules & Regulations in Childcare


Semester A Syallbus

Semester B


Module 1: Professionalism Part I
Module 2: Professionalism Part II
Module 3: Observation & Recording Methods
Module 4: The History of School-Age Childcare
Module 5: Developmentally Appropriate Care & Activities for Infants & Toddlers
Module 6: Schedules, Spaces, & Experiences that Enhance Children’s Total Growth
Module 7: Language Use and Acquisition
Module 8: DAP for Programs Serving Children Birth Through Age 8
Module 9: Professional Relationship Skills
Module 10: Brain Research and Communication Skills
Module 11: Preparing for the Child Development Associate Certification


Semester B Syllabus

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