Digital Media

Grade Icon


9 – 12

Duration Icon


1 Semester

Credit Icon



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Material Icon


See the Materials tab below

The Digital Media online elective course functions as a project-based survey of different forms of digital media, such as digital audio, imaging and illustration, movie editing, and animation.


Digital Media is a project-based survey of different forms of digital media, such as digital audio, imaging and illustration, movie editing, and animation. It’s oriented toward teaching broad, flexible tools and concepts that are not tied to any one platform or program. Each module of the digital media online course ends with a culminating task (like a podcast or short film), and students will be able to draft and develop their projects as they build their skills over each lesson.

Computer Culture
Digital Drawings
Campaign for a Cause
Powerful Productions
Amaze with Animation
Gaming Greatness


Course Syllabus

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