Creative Writing

Grade Icon



Duration Icon


2 Semesters

Credit Icon



Prerequisite Icon


Language Arts 9

Material Icon


basic art supplies
digital camera, camera phone, or scanner

Creative writing is a high school English course that teaches students the importance of word-play along with techniques of plot and character so students can build a creative and compelling writing style. Students throughout the course will apply the knowledge and skills they learn by writing their own poetry, short stories, creative nonfiction, plays, and…


Semester A


At the beginning of the semester, students consider the importance of word play exercises in improving their facility with language while building a compelling and creative writing style. Focusing on word nuances and precision, later lessons guide students to write in a variety of short modes—including poetry, song lyrics, prose poetry, short stories, and creative nonfiction. There are several opportunities for peer review in this semester, during which students learn best practices for participating in writing workshops, and then revise their work using feedback from their peers.


Semester B


This semester focuses on longer works of fiction: short stories, plays, and novels. Students learn basic techniques of plot and character development along with strategies for creating suspense and building a theme, and they have opportunities to write in several different genres. Lessons cover a few special topics as well, including graphic novels, animation, comedy, and improvisation. Students apply what they have learned about writing workshops and revising to the longer pieces of writing they create for this semester.

Semester A


Wordsmithing 101
Life Distilled
Writing Together
Prose Meets Poetry
Odds and Ends
Play Time


Semester A Syllabus

Semester B


A Little Longer
When Character Counts
Meaning More
Something Special
Guided Imagery
Going Long


Semester B Syllabus

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