Architectural Design III

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1 Semester

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The focus of Architectural Design III course is to identify the common sequential processes used in computer-aided drafting (CAD). These processes will provide students with the foundation of creating drawings in CAD software including the use of lines, circles, arcs, text, varied text styles, multi-leaders, dimensions, dimension styles, crosshatching, object property commands, arrays, reference angles,…


The focus of Architectural Design III course is to identify the common sequential processes used in computer-aided drafting (CAD). These processes will provide students with the foundation of creating drawings in CAD software including the use of lines, circles, arcs, text, varied text styles, multi-leaders, dimensions, dimension styles, crosshatching, object property commands, arrays, reference angles, layers, page setup, reusable content, and gradient patterns. Students will also explore concepts of ethics and legal responsibilities. They will identify how policies and procedures are used to develop company culture and professional standards. Students will have the opportunity to investigate career opportunities in the drafting professions. They will learn about the importance of developing a digital portfolio from their academic and professional experience. The course will culminate with a project that utilizes the processes they’ve learned in their readings.

Module 1: Computer-Aided Drafting Functions Part I
Module 2: Computer-Aided Drafting Functions Part II
Module 3: Computer-Aided Drafting Functions Part III
Module 4: Professional Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
Module 5: Career Opportunities in Drafting
Module 6: Architectural Drafting Project


Course Syllabus

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