AP Statistics

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2 Semesters

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Algebra 2

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This High School AP Statistics is a preparatory AP course that introduces students to selecting statistical methods, analyzing data, using simulations and probability, as well as statistical argumentation.


Semester A


This High School AP Statistics is a preparatory AP course that introduces students to selecting statistical methods, analyzing data, using simulations and probability, as well as statistical argumentation. In part A, students will explore: 


โ€“ One-variable Data 
โ€“ Two-Variable Data 
โ€“ Collecting Data 
โ€“ Probability  
โ€“ Modeling probability  
โ€“ Sample Proportions and the Central Limit Theorem. 


Students will be required to answer questions using proper language associated with the AP Statistics exam. Students are required to use graphing calculators. This course will demonstrate the use of a TI-84 calculator in preparation for the AP exam. 


Semester B


This High School AP Statistics is a preparatory AP course that introduces students to selecting statistical methods, analyzing data, using simulations and probability, as well as statistical argumentation. In part B, students will explore: 


โ€“ Hypothesis Testing for Proportions 
โ€“ Testing Two Proportions 
โ€“ Hypothesis Testing for Means 
โ€“ Testing Two Means and Matched Pairs 
โ€“ Chi-Square Testing 
โ€“ Inferences About Slopes 


Students will be required to answer questions using proper language associated with the AP Statistics exam. Students are required to use graphing calculators. This course will demonstrate the use of a TI-84 calculator in preparation for the AP exam. 

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